Why Photonom?

Taking photos have turned into a daily practice, whether we are visiting a new country, celebrating a birthday or just having a normal day. In many cases we have to take dozens of pictures to get the one that is just perfect. The ones we discarded might have a range of issues. The light does not look right in this one, someone walked behind you in another one, the building you wanted as the background did not fit the frame, you looked too serious in that one and so on. And naturally, we take more photos. But in some cases, it is too late. Going through your vacation photos to realise that the picture you took in front of a historical church is missing the tip of the church is frustrating. Even if you do realise these problems when you have the chance to take more photos, some things cannot be changed. If it is raining and water droplets are in your lens or it is foggy and you cannot get a nice shot of the view, it is impossible to change the weather. But even if it was possible to change them or take more photos, why waste time when you can enhance the ones you have? Advanced photoshop tools are often too complicated for occasional use. And even if you find a simple one you oftentimes have to move between different applications for different tools. With Photonom, we are proposing a mobile application that will allow users to modify their photos interactively and in one place whilst conserving the true nature of the image itself.

List of Tools

  1. Face Expression Modifier: Change the facial expression of the people in the photo
  2. Theme Transfer: Transfer the theme of one photo to another
  3. Image Stitching and Panorama: Stitch multiple images together
  4. Image Quality Evaluation: Find the quality of your photo with a score out of 10
  5. Object Removal: Remove objects from photo
  6. Rain Removal: Remove effects of rain from photo
  7. Haze Removal: Remove effects of haze from photo
  8. Head Pose Modifier: IN PROGRESS